Is Email Dead? Why Postal Direct Mail is Having a Renaissance (and Why You Should Too)

Remember email overload? Yeah, us too. In today’s digital age, inboxes are overflowing, social media feeds are a constant scroll, and banner ads are easy to ignore. But there’s one marketing channel quietly experiencing a resurgence: postal direct mail.

That’s right, the humble mailbox is proving to be a surprisingly powerful marketing tool. Recent studies show that direct mail boasts higher response rates and better brand recall compared to digital marketing efforts. Here’s why:

  • Cutting Through the Noise: Our inboxes are bombarded with emails daily. A physical piece of mail, however,stands out. It’s tangible, unexpected, and demands attention.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: Receiving a well-designed, personalised mailer in your mailbox feels more substantial than a fleeting digital ad. It conveys a sense of legitimacy and builds trust with potential customers.
  • A Lasting Impression: Unlike a fleeting email notification, a physical mailer can be displayed, passed around, or even saved as a keepsake. This extends the lifespan of your message and increases its impact.
  • Targeting Made Easy: With Selectabase’s advanced targeting options, you can reach a highly specific audience with your direct mail campaign. This laser focus ensures your message reaches the right people, maximising your return on investment (ROI).
  • Measurable Results: Just like digital marketing, direct mail campaigns can be tracked and measured. You can monitor response rates, coupon redemption, and website traffic to gauge the success of your campaign.

Don’t Discount the Power of Print

While digital marketing has its place, it shouldn’t be the only tool in your marketing arsenal. Direct mail offers a unique opportunity to cut through the noise and connect with your target audience in a meaningful way.

Ready to Rethink Your Marketing Mix?

Here at Selectabase, we’re passionate about helping businesses leverage the power of direct mail. We offer a wide range of services, from selecting the perfect mailing list to crafting compelling marketing materials.

Let’s face it, email isn’t going anywhere. But neither is direct mail. In fact, it’s experiencing a well-deserved revival. So, don’t be afraid to allocate some of your marketing budget to this proven and powerful channel.

Contact Selectabase today and discover how direct mail can take your marketing strategy to the next level.

Queen Elizabeth Postage Stamps

Home Improvement Leads Delivered: Selectabase’s Home Improvers is Coming Soon!

Attention home improvement specialists! Are you ready to revolutionise the way you generate leads? Selectabase is excited to announce the upcoming launch of our innovative monthly service: Home Improvers.

Imagine this scenario: A homeowner in your target area finalises their plans for a beautiful new extension. They submit their planning application, eager to turn their dream into a reality. A few days later, they receive a targeted postcard from your company, arriving right when they’re actively seeking qualified home improvement professionals.

Home Improvers is on the horizon, and it’s about to transform how you connect with potential clients. Here’s what this exciting service offers:

  • Reach Homeowners at the Perfect Moment: Connect with homeowners at the most crucial stage – when they’ve officially committed to their project and are actively searching for the ideal contractor.
  • Precisely Targeted Leads: Our data is highly specific, ensuring you reach homeowners whose renovation plans align perfectly with your expertise. Whether it’s extensions, conservatories, loft conversions, or bathroom refurbishments, Home Improvers delivers the perfect leads.
  • Personalised Marketing Advantage: Craft a targeted message tailored to the specific improvement the homeowner is planning. Imagine sending a postcard showcasing your extension expertise to a homeowner embarking on that very project!
  • Increased Conversion Rates: By catching homeowners early, you’ll stand out from the competition and have a higher chance of securing the job. Home Improvers will be your secret weapon for boosting conversions.
  • A Steady Stream of Qualified Leads: Our database will be constantly updated, providing you with a continuous flow of high-quality leads the moment Home Improvers launches.

Don’t Miss Out on This Game-Changer!

We’re putting the finishing touches on Home Improvers, and it won’t be long before you can tap into the power of this revolutionary lead generation tool. Be among the first to leverage this service by registering your interest today! Simply contact Selectabase and let us know you’re eager to learn more about Home Improvers.

With Selectabase’s Home Improvers, you’ll finally connect with homeowners actively seeking your services. Stop chasing leads, start getting found!

Contact Selectabase today to register your interest in Home Improvers!

Rising Royal Mail Costs: Optimising Your Mailing Strategy with Selectabase

Attention businesses and frequent Royal Mail users: As of 1st July 2024, significant price hikes are on the horizon for the majority of mail products and formats. These upcoming changes, particularly for 1st Class mail, pose a potential challenge to maintaining cost-effective mailing strategies.

Rising Royal Mail Costs

While the price of stamps remains unchanged for now, recent statements from potential new ownership at Royal Mail suggest future increases are possible. This uncertainty underscores the importance of being proactive and exploring alternative solutions to ensure the continued efficiency and reliability of your mailing services.

At Selectabase, we understand the critical role that cost-effective mailing plays in business success. We have been navigating the ever-evolving landscape of postal services for years, and we are here to help you mitigate the impact of these price hikes.


Understanding the Impact

The upcoming Royal Mail price changes are expected to be predominantly in the double-digit percentage range. This means businesses that rely heavily on 1st Class mail for important documents, invoices, or marketing materials could see a substantial increase in their mailing costs.

While 2nd Class mail is expected to see a smaller rise, it is still crucial to factor in these changes when evaluating your overall mailing strategy. Additionally, the potential for future stamp price increases adds another layer of uncertainty to the equation.


Optimising Your Mailing Strategy with Selectabase

At Selectabase, we go beyond simply offering competitive pricing. We take a holistic approach to understanding your specific mailing needs and recommend solutions that optimise both cost and service. Here’s how we can help:

  • Cost Analysis: Our team will analyse your current mailing habits and identify areas for cost savings. We can compare your current Royal Mail usage with alternative options to see if there’s a better fit.
  • Delivery Optimisation: We can recommend the most efficient delivery class based on your specific needs. This might involve exploring options like 2nd Class mail for non-time-sensitive items or utilising combined postage discounts for bulk mailings.
  • Technology Integration: We offer integration with leading mailing software platforms, allowing for seamless online postage management and streamlined workflows.
  • Dedicated Account Management: You’ll have a dedicated account manager who understands your business and can provide ongoing support and guidance.


Taking Action

Don’t wait until the price changes hit to reassess your mailing strategy. By taking a proactive approach now, you can ensure your business continues to benefit from reliable mailing services without breaking the bank.

Contact a Selectabase Account Manager today for a free consultation. We will work with you to understand your specific needs and develop a customised mailing solution that helps you navigate the upcoming Royal Mail price changes and optimise your mailing strategy for long-term success.


Together, we can ensure your business communications remain cost-effective and reach their intended recipients on time, every time.