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How can New Brides help your wedding marketing?

Brides-to-be are in the midst of a huge transition that involves wedding and honeymoon planning. They have much to do, much to buy, and a limited window of time in which to do it. This is your window of opportunity to help fulfil their many needs for your particular product or service. They are ready and willing to spend money on all types of services from their wedding dress to their dream honeymoon destination.

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Tips for Choosing a Direct Marketing Mailing List

What should you look for when choosing a list for your next direct marketing campaign? Follow the advice of direct marketing experts to ensure your list purchases end up being as effective and successful as possible.

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Discover How Digital and Direct Marketing Can be Best of Friends

Old fashioned offline direct marketing is making a comeback; see how mailings could find a new role to play in promoting your web presence.

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Get ready for your New Year direct marketing campaigns

Find out how to get next year off to the best possible start, with a range of tips for carrying out a successful direct marketing campaign in the New Year.

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How to make the most of the Christmas season with direct mail

Discover how a well planned, well targeted and creative direct mail campaign aimed at consumers can help your business have a very Merry Christmas this year.

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