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Free Tools to Plan Your 2011 Marketing

If you are taking some time over the Christmas holidays to plan your 2011 marketing campaigns, then Selectabase offer a range of free tools to help you.

Many small businesses will be using the end of the year as a useful opportunity to review their marketing efforts in 2010, and make plans for 2011. All these marketing tools are available free of charge from Selectabase:

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Guide to the Telephone Preference Service

The Telephone Preference Service, or TPS, affects every UK business which uses the telephone. It doesn’t matter if you sell to the public or to businesses, the TPS still matters, so it’s worth reading our reminder of how the TPS works and its implications for your business.

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Free Guide to Understanding Marketing

What is Marketing? Its a question often asked. Marketing can often be the subject of confusion, and is regularly confused with other disciplines like advertising, PR or even sales.

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Free Guide to Writing Effective Direct Mail Letters

What you put in your direct mail letter can often influence the whole outcome of your direct marketing campaign.

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Free Guide to the Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act is an important piece of UK legislation which affects any business which holds personal data internally about customers, staff, suppliers and even potential customers.

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