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From Junk Mail to a Potential Sale

One of any business’s biggest challenges when it comes to direct mail advertising is making sure your marketing material isn’t perceived as junk!

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Re-opening: How to Notify your Customers

Some businesses will soon be able to get back to some sort of normal once the government has given the go-ahead, so now is the time to plan how to notify customers that you’re reopening.

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Top 5 Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

Direct mail is still holding its own when it comes to marketing channels, despite the abundance of digital advertising media. If you’re a business owner trying to find ways of reaching your customers effectively, you may think direct mail is lagging behind its online rivals – but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Direct Mail Personalisation: The Key to Success

Making your customers feel important and letting them know they are valued by your business is crucial. Personalisation gives customers a feeling of familiarity that develops into an individual connection. Not only will they feel appreciated, but your ROI and response rates will feel the benefits as a result.

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Under GDPR can I still email, tele-market & post letters?

We’ve all been hearing a lot about GDPR, so we thought we’d share the answers to the 3 most common questions that we get asked, post GDPR:

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