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A fast and highly efficient direct mail option
It enables businesses to enclose and post brochures, catalogues, books or magazines.
Providing a tough and durable means of protecting the contents as they travel through the postal system, you can be sure that your pack’s contents will arrive safely in polywrapping, despite the rigours of the courier service.
With the capacity to polywrap up to six items comfortably in one pack, we can complete both small and large quantity runs – our machinery is capable of wrapping up to 100,000 items.
If you wish to mail unusually-shaped items, we can provide polybag hand fulfilment. We’ll source the boxes, jiffy bags, or more bespoke packaging options, before hand fulfilling and preparing the order for dispatch.
We also accommodate ecommerce campaigns – we can download orders from an internal system and prepare the items for dispatch.
We offer clear polythene options, or we can provide bio-poly at a reasonable cost. Although we don’t normally inkjet on to polythene, or do much in the way of printed poly, it’s possible to consider this at the client’s request.
Printed addresses will either be on a coversheet to include in the polywrap, or we can print labels and adhere them to the outside of the polywrap.
For further information, or if you require a quote for polywrapping, please contact us on 01304 383838, or use the online “Enquire / Quick Quote” form below.

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